[intro] Before you begin this guide, you need to ensure you have installed the Discount Management feature and set up at least two Discounts so that you are aware of the processes and details involved.[/intro]



If you intend to run several Discounts at the same time on your EKM online shop, you need to prioritise them to ensure that they work alongside each other correctly. Knowing how to prioritise Discounts will also enable you to offer some quite complex offers to your customers and encourage sales.

The Basics of Discount Priority

1. When you create each Discount within the Discount Management feature, during the flow you are prompted to answer whether your Discount is stackable, which means that it works in conjunction with other Discounts:

2. The system will prompt you for this information because it needs to know what priority each of your Discounts has over each other. For example, on this EKM online shop, there are currently two active Discounts. The Priority of each Discount is signified in the drop-down menus on the right-hand side:

The Priority 1 Discount is a £10 Gift Voucher, which consists of a single-use Coupon Code which will deduct £10 from the total order.

The Priority 2 Discount doesn’t require a Coupon Code and instead is triggered when the cart subtotal is over £5.00.

3. These two Discounts could then react in two different ways, dependent on their priority and whether I had set them to work in conjunction with each other or not. The system will apply the Discounts first by looking at their priority, and then whether each is set to work in conjunction with others. 

Looking again at my example Discounts, if the Priority 1 Discount was set not to work in conjunction with any others and my customer had an order which totalled £20.00, only the £10 Gift Voucher Discount would trigger. This is because it is the first Discount that the system would apply, and it is not set to work in conjunction with any others so the system would not look any further down the Priority list to apply any more. 

If the Priority 1 discount is not set to work in conjunction with any other discount, the system will apply this discount over any others. However, if the Priority 1 discount is set to be stackable with other discounts, a customer could potentially use the Gift Voucher Coupon Code and also get 5% off their order as the Priority 2 discount would also be triggered.  

On the other hand, if the Priority 1 Discount was set to work in conjunction with the Priority 2 and again, the customer’s order totalled £20, the 5% Discount would trigger first automatically, and then the £10 Gift Voucher would be applied when the Coupon Code was added; the customer would be able to apply both Discounts to the same order.

In summary, the system will always look at the Priority of a Discount first and then whether it is set to work in conjunction with other Discounts. If you bear this in mind when configuring your Discounts, you can offer some quite complex offers. 

In this example, I have set up 5 different Discounts:

  • Priority 1 - £10 Gift Voucher - triggered by a single-use Coupon Code. This is set to work in conjunction with other Discounts;
  • Priority 2 - Spend £20 and get 20% off - triggered automatically when the cart subtotal is over £20. This is not set to work in conjunction with other Discounts;
  • Priority 3 - Spend £15 and get 15% off - triggered automatically when the cart subtotal is over £15. This is not set to work in conjunction with other Discounts;
  • Priority 4 - Spend £10 and get 10% off - triggered automatically when the cart subtotal is over £10. This is not set to work in conjunction with other Discounts;
  • Priority 5 - Spend £5 and get 5% off - triggered automatically when the cart subtotal is over £5. This is not set to work in conjunction with other Discounts. 

When customers visit my EKM online shop, the system will examine the Discounts and their Priorities; it recognises that not every customer will have a Gift Voucher, so it will look at Priority 2 and see if the cart total is over £16. If it is, the ‘Spend £20 Discount’ is applied.

However, if the cart total is less than £16, but more than £8, the Priority 3 Discount is applied and so on. When my customer with the single-use Coupon Code arrives at my EKM online shop and they get to the Cart page, the Discount Management feature will automatically apply a discount according to the number of goods in their Cart and also give them £10 off when they input their Coupon Code.  

Changing Priority

1. To change the priority of the Discounts you have set up is quite easy. Simply click the Priority drop-down menu on the right hand of the Discount you would like to change:

2. Then you can choose the new position in the list of Discounts.

Stopping Discounts

1. To stop a Discount, simply click the Stop button on the right of the Discount you want to stop:

2. The Discount will display like this:

3. If you want to start the Discount again, simply click the Start button. 

[contact]If you need our help with your EKM online shop, contact your Ecommerce Expert, Account Manager, or the Customer Support Team, who can point you in the right direction. Our opening hours are 9 am - 5.30 pm Monday to Friday, for telephone calls, live chats, and emails. Over the weekends, we're open from 9 am - 5.30 pm, both Saturday and Sunday, to answer emails and live chat, which you can access from the Dashboard of your EKM online shop. Outside these hours, you can leave a message for us in the live chat window or email support@ekm.com, and we will answer as soon as possible.

If you'd like to suggest a feature or an upgrade on any of the EKM platforms, please let us know on the EKM Suggestions Board. If you have a non-account-specific question to ask the EKM Team, join us in the EKM Community. [/contact]