[intro]Before you begin this guide, you should understand how to use the EKM Add/Edit Product window, bulk add Product Images, Product Variants, Attributes and have generated a spreadsheet from your EKM online shop to work with. When you have completed this guide, you will have performed edits to your existing Product and Product Variants on a spreadsheet - such as price updates or adding Custom Attributes to your Products and their Variants - and have it ready to import and implement your changes on your EKM online shop.[/intro]

If you need to amend the Prices, Description of another aspect of the Products on your EKM online shop in bulk, the best way to do this is by using the Import/Export System. If you have not yet installed the Import/Export System feature on your EKM online shop or generated a spreadsheet to work on, click here for instructions. If the Products you want to edit have Variants, please click here to use that guide instead.

Editing your Spreadsheet

When you have downloaded the spreadsheet and opened it up on your computer, you can then begin to edit your Products. If there are any Products on your spreadsheet which do not need editing, delete these from your spreadsheet before you begin.

For every Product that you edit, you need to amend the Action column with Edit Product:

Editing the Category Path of your Product will move it from one Category to another on your EKM online shop. Be sure that when amending the data within this field, that you follow the format indicated in the image, using spaces and > in the right places.

The ID cannot be edited. This is the number which the system assigns to a Product when it is first added to your EKM online shop.

You can edit the Name of your Product by amending the data within this column.

You can edit the Product Code that you have previously assigned to your Product by amending the data within this column.


You can amend the Product Description by amending the data within this column. Be sure that if you’re copying the description from elsewhere, such as a website or a Word document, that you paste the text into a Notepad (or if you’re on a Mac, Text Editor) file first. This ensures that any text formatting used elsewhere won’t be carried onto your EKM online shop and negatively affect the text layout with fonts, colours and formatting that are not native to your Theme.

You can amend the Brand of your Product by amending the data within this field.

You can quickly edit the Prices of your Products by amending this field.

You can quickly edit the Recommended Retail Price of your Products by amending this field.

Image1, Image2, Image3, Image4, Image5
On existing Products, these fields will all be populated with Image Assigned, Image Not Assigned or Image Assigned, Awaiting Download. Image Assigned means that this Product has been Assigned an Image already, and you can find that Image listed further on in your spreadsheet within the Image[number]Address column. Image Not Assigned means that this Product has not had an Image assigned to it already, whilst Image Assigned, Awaiting Download means that an Image has been assigned to the Product, but the Product Page has not been viewed on your EKM online shop, so the Image has not had a chance to download and display on the page yet.

If you wish to edit your existing Product Images, you need to have first uploaded the Images to your File Manager. When you have bulk uploaded your images to the File Manager of your EKM online shop, each product image has an address. In each cell, the link to each image must be laid out in this format:

https://files.ekmcdn.com/[Account ID]/images/[Image Name]

To populate this cell, open your File Manager and locate the Product Image you want to add to your Product:

Right-click the Image Name beneath the thumbnail and select copy:

This will copy the address to your clipboard. You can then paste this directly into the Image[number] column of your spreadsheet:

When you have added the new Image Addresses into the Image1, Image2, Image3, Image4 and Image5 columns of your spreadsheet, you need to delete any data on the same row within the Image1Address, Image2Address, Image3Address, Image4Address and Image5Address columns accordingly. This will tell the system that new Images are to be assigned to this particular Product and to refer to the Image[number] columns for the addresses of the new Product Images.

If you have the Stock Control functionality turned on, you can adjust the Stock levels of your Products by amending the figures in this column.

If you have allowed Weight in the Product Attributes feature you can add, edit or delete Product Weights in this column. Bear in mind that the system only recognises kilograms, so 1 kilo would be entered as 1, whereas 750 grams would be 0.75 and 50 grams would be 0.50.

If you want to amend the Tax Rate on some of your Products according to your EKM online shop’s Tax settings page, you would need to add either 1, 2, 3 or 4 into this column:
1 = Standard Tax rate
2 = Tax Exempt
3 = Reduced Rate
4 = Reduced Rate
You can set the percentage of tax on the Tax settings page of your EKM online shop accordingly.

If you have enabled Condition within the Product Attributes feature, you need to complete this field with either NotApplicable, New, Used or Refurbished accordingly.

This refers to whether the Product is a Featured Product or not. If you want the Product to display on your homepage as well as it’s assigned Categories, add Yes to this column, otherwise add No.


This is for your own use and pertains to the location of the Product on it's master Category page. 99999 means that the Product will be position according to the default view of that Category (such as What's New, Most Popular, Price Low To High, Price High To Low, Name A to Z or Name Z To A). If you do not need your Products to appear in a specific order on their master Category page, simply populate the Add Product row with 99999.


This area needs populating usually if the Product requires some kind of special mention, such as ‘This Product is delivered on a pallet, please ensure you have the space allocated to receive this delivery’. If your Products do not require any specific instructions, simply leave this column blank.


Add No to this column to ensure that all of the products that you upload via this spreadsheet are displayed on the front end when they have been imported into your EKM online shop. Adding Yes to the Add Product row of this column means the Product will be uploaded, but it will be hidden from your customers.

If you want to edit some Related Products onto existing Products within your EKM online shop, you need to populate the cells of this column with the IDs (from the ID column) of the Products you want to list as Related Products, separating each ID number with a colon. You must also ensure that you have installed the Related Products feature onto your EKM online shop for the Related Products to display.  

You cannot edit the Web Address of an existing Product. You can only delete the Product.


Add TRUE to all of the cells in this column to ensure that every product that you upload has a visible Add To Cart button. Adding FALSE to the Add Product Row to this column means that the Product will be uploaded and will be visible, however, it will not have an Add To Cart button to allow customers to purchase it.

In this column, you need to populate the cells with the names of the Promo Stickers you want to assign to the Product. You must have already installed the Promo Stickers feature on the Features tab first. To find out the names of the Promo Stickers, open any Edit Product window on your EKM online shop and click the Images & Photos tab.

Beneath the Promo Stickers header, scroll through the Promo Stickers on offer, and hover on each to see its name highlighted - it’s this name which needs adding to the Promostickers column of your spreadsheet.


This column cannot be edited as it corresponds to Product Images on an existing Product. If you want to edit your Product Images, please see the instructions for the Image1, Image2, Image3, Image4 and Image5 columns.

You only need to edit these cells if you have specific data to populate them. If not, and you have the Custom Meta Data feature added on the Features tab of your EKM online shop, the system will automatically determine this data for you, using the Product Name and Product Description.


You only need to edit these cells if you have specific data to populate them. If not, and you have the Custom Meta Data feature installed on your EKM online shop, the system will automatically determine this data for you, using the Product Name and Product Description.

Meta Keywords

You only need to edit these cells if you have specific data to populate them. If not, and you have the Custom Meta Data feature added on the Features tab of your EKM online shop, the system will automatically determine this data for you, using the Product Name and Product Description.


This column is used for assigning Additional Categories to your existing Products. The format is the same as the CategoryPath column, and each Additional Category needs to be separated by a colon and no spaces.


If you have enabled the Product Summary In Categories feature, you can add a Short Description for your Product within this column. Bear in mind that the Theme that you have added to your EKM online shop may not support this functionality. If you populate this column and discover that the Short Descriptions are not visible on the Category Pages, simply contact our Customer Support Team who will task this up to the Tweaks Team for you.


The Option Name cannot be edited within the column. They can only be added or deleted using a spreadsheet.

OptionSize, OptionType, OptionValidation, OptionItemName, OptionItemPriceExtra, OptionItemOrder

Product Options cannot be edited on a spreadsheet; they can only be added or deleted using a spreadsheet.

Image2Address, Image3Address, Image4Address, Image5Address

These columns cannot be edited as they correspond to Product Images on an existing Product. If you want to edit your Product Images, please see the instructions for the Image1, Image2, Image3, Image4 and Image5 columns.


If you have enabled Custom Attributes within the Product Attributes feature on your Products, you can edit these on your spreadsheet using the following guidelines:

[Attribute Value] : [The order this Attribute is added to the Product] : [The visibility of the Attribute] : [The Name of the Attribute]

If we look at the first cell in the AY column in the picture:

  • Large = The Value of that Product Attribute; Size is the Attribute Name and Large is the Value;
  • 2000 = This is the second Attribute added to this Product Variant (the first one would be 1000, whilst a third would be 3000);
  • True = This Attribute is visible (which means if the Theme allows it, the Attribute can be seen on the Product Page, and can also be used with Product Filters on your Category Pages;
  • Type = This is the Attribute Name.

When editing Attributes, ensure that the format is the same as that picture - each value must be separated by a colon with no spaces.

Now you have finished editing existing Products on your spreadsheet, you need to save your changes and upload the spreadsheet to your EKM online shop.



[contact]If you need our help with your EKM online shop, contact your Ecommerce Expert, Account Manager, or the Customer Support Team, who can point you in the right direction. Our opening hours are 9 am - 5.30 pm Monday to Friday, for telephone calls, live chats, and emails. Over the weekends, we're open from 9 am - 5.30 pm, both Saturday and Sunday, to answer emails and live chat, which you can access from the Dashboard of your EKM online shop. Outside these hours, you can leave a message for us in the live chat window or email support@ekm.com, and we will answer as soon as possible.

If you'd like to suggest a feature or an upgrade on any of the EKM platforms, please let us know on the EKM Suggestions Board. If you have a non-account-specific question to ask the EKM Team, join us in the EKM Community. [/contact]